Craft a Winning Business Proposal. Craft a Winning Business Proposal.

How to Craft a Winning Business Proposal: A Guide for Beginners

Learn how to write a business proposal that wins over your prospects and grows your business. Follow our step-by-step guide and use our templates and examples.

If you want to sell your products or services to a potential client, partner, or supplier, you need to write a business proposal. A business proposal is a document that outlines your offer, explains why it’s valuable, and convinces the reader to accept it. But how do you write a business proposal that stands out from the crowd and wins over your audience?

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about writing a business proposal, including:

Let’s get started!

What is a business proposal and why would you require one?

A business proposal is a formal document that presents your offer to a potential client, partner, or supplier. It can be solicited or unsolicited, meaning that you can either respond to a request for proposal (RFP) from the other party, or you can initiate the proposal yourself.

The main purpose of a business proposal is to persuade the reader to choose your solution over other alternatives. To do that, you need to demonstrate that you understand their needs and goals, that you have a viable and cost-effective solution, and that you have the credibility and expertise to deliver on your promises.

A well-written business proposal can help you:

  • Showcase your unique value proposition and competitive edge
  • Develop a relationship of trust with your audience.
  • Be sure to emphasise your offer\’s advantages and results.
  • Address any concerns or challenges that may come up.
  • Provide clear and actionable next steps for moving forward

Types of Business Proposals and When to Use Them

There are two main types of business proposals: formal and informal.

Formal proposals are usually longer, more detailed, and more structured than informal proposals. They follow a standard format and include sections such as executive summary, problem statement, solution description, pricing, timeline, terms and conditions, etc. Formal proposals are typically used for complex or high-value projects that require approval from multiple stakeholders.

Informal proposals are usually shorter, simpler, and more flexible than formal proposals. They can be written in an email, a letter, or a presentation format. They focus on the main points of your offer, such as the problem, the solution, the benefits, and the call to action. Informal proposals are typically used for smaller or simpler projects that don’t require much documentation or negotiation.

The type of business proposal you use depends on the nature and scope of your project, the expectations and preferences of your audience, and the industry standards and best practices. You should always follow the guidelines and requirements of the other party if they provide them. Otherwise, you can choose the type of proposal that best suits your situation and goals.

How to Write a Business Proposal: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a business proposal can seem daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some basic steps and tips to help you craft a winning business proposal:

1. Research your audience.

Before you start writing your proposal, you need to know who you are writing for. Who are the decision-makers? What are their pain points and goals? What are their expectations and criteria? And, what are their objections or questions? The more you know about your audience, the more you can tailor your proposal to their needs and interests.

2. Define your problem statement.

The problem statement is the core of your proposal. It defines the challenge or opportunity that your audience is facing and why it matters. It also sets the stage for presenting your solution. Your problem statement should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should answer questions such as: What is the current situation? What is the desired situation? What is the gap between them? And what are the consequences of not solving the problem?

3. Describe your solution.

The solution description is the heart of your proposal. It explains how you can help your audience solve their problem or achieve their goal. It also showcases your unique value proposition and competitive advantage. Your solution description should be specific, realistic, and relevant. It should answer questions such as: What are the features and benefits of your offer? How does it address the problem statement? How does it differ from other alternatives? And how will it be implemented and delivered?

4. Provide pricing and timeline information.

The pricing and timeline information is the brain of your proposal. It outlines how much your offer will cost and how long it will take to complete. It also demonstrates your professionalism and credibility. Your pricing and timeline information should be transparent, accurate, and reasonable. It should answer questions such as: What are the milestones and deadlines? How do you calculate your price? What are the payment terms and conditions? What are the risks and contingencies?

5. Include a call to action.

The call to action is the soul of your proposal. It tells your audience what you want them to do next and why they should do it. It also creates a sense of urgency and excitement. Your call to action should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should answer questions such as: What is the next step in the process? How can they contact you or sign the contract? When do you need their response? What are the benefits of taking action now?

The Structure for a Formal Business Proposal

The structure of a formal business proposal can vary depending on the type, nature, and scope of the project, but a common structure is as follows:

1. Title page:

This is the first page of your proposal that includes your name and company name, the name of the prospect or their business, the date of submission, and a catchy title that summarizes your proposal.

2. Table of contents:

This is a list of your proposal\’s major parts and subsections, together with page numbers for each. This helps your reader navigate your document and find the information they need quickly.

3. Executive summary:

This is an overview of your proposal that highlights the main problem, solution, benefits, and call to action. This helps your reader understand the purpose and value of your proposal and entice them to read more.

4. Problem statement:

This is a clear and concise description of the challenge or opportunity that your prospect is facing and why it matters. This helps you establish rapport with your reader and show that you understand their situation and goals.

5. Solution description:

This is a detailed explanation of how you can help your prospect solve their problem or achieve their goal. This helps you showcase your unique value proposition and competitive edge, as well as the features and benefits of your offer.

6. Qualifications:

This is a section that demonstrates your credibility and expertise in delivering your solution. This helps you build trust and confidence with your reader and convince them that you are the best choice for the job.

7. Pricing options:

This is a section that outlines how much your solution will cost and how you will charge for it. This helps you be transparent and reasonable with your reader and avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts later on.

8. Terms and conditions:

This is a section that specifies the scope, deliverables, timeline, payment terms, legal aspects, etc. of your proposal. This helps you be professional and clear with your reader and protect both parties from any risks or liabilities.

9. Signature:

This is a space for signatures to document the agreement between you and your prospect. This helps you close the deal and move forward with the project.

You can also add other sections to your proposal depending on the type, nature, and scope of your project, such as market research, testimonials, case studies, samples, etc.

The Structure for an Informal Business Proposal

The structure for informal business proposals can vary depending on the format, purpose, and audience of your proposal, but a common structure is as follows:

  • Introduction: This is the opening paragraph of your proposal that introduces yourself and your company, states the purpose of your proposal, and summarizes your main offer. This helps you capture your reader’s attention and interest.
  • Problem statement: This is a brief description of the challenge or opportunity that your prospect is facing and why it matters. This helps you establish rapport with your reader and show that you understand their situation and goals.
  • Solution description: This is a concise explanation of how you can help your prospect solve their problem or achieve their goal. This helps you showcase your unique value proposition and competitive edge, as well as the features and benefits of your offer.
  • Call to action: This is the closing paragraph of your proposal that tells your reader what you want them to do next and why they should do it. This helps you create a sense of urgency and excitement, and persuade your reader to take action.

You can also add other elements to your proposal depending on the format, purpose, and audience of your proposal, such as testimonials, reviews, samples, etc.

Formal Business Proposal Ideas and Examples

If you need some inspiration or guidance for writing your business proposal, you can check out some creative ideas and examples below. These are just some of the many types of business proposals that you can write, depending on your industry, niche, and offer.

1. A web design business proposal for a new website or a website redesign

Here is a sample business proposal for a web design project.

Web Design Proposal for ABC Company

Executive Summary

ABC Company is a leading provider of innovative solutions for the healthcare industry. They have been in business for over 10 years and have a loyal customer base across the country. However, their current website is outdated, slow, and unresponsive. It does not reflect their brand identity, showcase their products and services, or engage their visitors and leads.

We are XYZ Studio, a web design agency that specializes in creating modern, fast, and user-friendly websites for businesses of all sizes and industries. We have over 5 years of experience and have completed over 100 successful projects for clients such as DEF Company, GHI Company, and JKL Company.

We propose to redesign ABC Company’s website from scratch, using the latest technologies and best practices. Our aim is to build a website that:

Aligns with ABC Company’s vision, mission, and values

Highlights ABC Company’s unique value proposition and competitive edge

Showcases ABC Company’s products and services in an attractive and informative way

Enhances ABC Company’s online presence and reputation

Improves ABC Company’s SEO ranking and organic traffic

Increases ABC Company’s conversion rate and sales

We estimate that the project will take 8 weeks to complete, with a total cost of $15,000. This includes the following deliverables:

A custom web design that matches ABC Company’s branding and style guidelines

A responsive web development that adapts to different devices and browsers

A content management system (CMS) that allows ABC Company to easily update and manage their website

A quality assurance (QA) testing that ensures the website’s functionality and performance

A training session that teaches ABC Company how to use and maintain their website

A support and maintenance package that provides ongoing assistance and updates

We are confident that we can deliver a website that will exceed ABC Company’s expectations and help them achieve their business goals. We look forward to hearing from them soon and starting this exciting project.

Problem Statement

ABC Company is facing several challenges with their current website, such as:

The website is outdated and does not reflect ABC Company’s brand identity or value proposition

The website is slow and unresponsive, resulting in poor user experience and high bounce rate

The website is not optimized for SEO, resulting in low ranking and visibility on search engines

The website is not optimized for conversion, resulting in low engagement and sales

These challenges are affecting ABC Company’s online performance and reputation, as well as their ability to attract and retain customers.

Solution Description

We propose to solve these challenges by redesigning ABC Company’s website from scratch, using the latest technologies and best practices. Our solution will include the following features:

A custom web design that matches ABC Company’s branding and style guidelines. We will create a modern, clean, and professional web design that reflects ABC Company’s vision, mission, and values. We will use colors, fonts, images, icons, and animations that enhance ABC Company’s brand identity and appeal to their target audience.

A responsive web development that adapts to different devices and browsers. We will use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and WordPress to develop a responsive website that works seamlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. We will also ensure that the website is compatible with all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.

A content management system (CMS) that allows ABC Company to easily update and manage their website. We will use WordPress as the CMS for the website, as it is one of the most popular and user-friendly platforms in the market. We will also install plugins and widgets that enhance the functionality and security of the website. We will provide ABC Company with full access and control over their website content.

A quality assurance (QA) testing that ensures the website’s functionality and performance. We will conduct thorough QA testing on the website before launching it live. We will check for errors, bugs, broken links, compatibility issues, loading speed, usability, accessibility, etc. We will also use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google PageSpeed Insights, etc. to monitor and optimize the website’s performance.

A training session that teaches ABC Company how to use and maintain their website. We will provide ABC Company with a comprehensive training session on how to use and maintain their website. We will teach them how to add, edit, delete, or update content on their website using WordPress. We will also provide them with a user manual and video tutorials for future reference.

A support and maintenance package that provides ongoing assistance and updates. We will provide ABC Company with a 6-month support and maintenance package after launching their website live. This includes fixing any issues or bugs that may arise on the website, updating the website software and plugins, backing up the website data, and providing technical support and consultation.

Pricing and Timeline Information

We estimate that the project will take 8 weeks to complete, with a total cost of $15,000. The breakdown of the cost and timeline is as follows:

1Project kickoff meeting, research, and analysis$1,000
2Web design mockup and approval$2,000
3-4Web development and CMS integration$4,000
5-6QA testing and optimization$3,000
7Training session and documentation$2,000
8Website launch and support$3,000

The payment terms and conditions are as follows:

A 50% deposit ($7,500) is required before starting the project

The remaining 50% ($7,500) is required after the project is completed and approved.

The payment can be made via bank transfer, PayPal, or credit card

The payment is non-refundable unless the project is canceled by us

Call to Action

We are excited to work with ABC Company on this web design project. We believe that we can create a website that will meet their needs and expectations, and help them grow their business online.

If ABC Company is interested in our proposal, they can contact us by email at or by phone at +1-234-567-8901. We will then schedule a meeting to discuss the project details and sign the contract.

We need their response by Friday, July 28th, 2023. If we don’t hear from them by then, we will assume that they are not interested in our proposal.

We look forward to hearing from them soon and starting this exciting project. Thank you for your time and consideration.

2. A marketing proposal for a new campaign or a marketing strategy

Here is a sample business proposal for a marketing project.

Marketing Proposal for LMN Company

Executive Summary

LMN Company is a fast-growing e-commerce platform that sells high-quality and affordable products for home, beauty, and lifestyle. They have been in business for 3 years and have a loyal customer base across the country. However, they are facing increasing competition from other e-commerce platforms and need to boost their brand awareness, customer acquisition, and retention.

We are OPQ Agency, a marketing agency that specializes in creating and executing effective and innovative marketing campaigns and strategies for e-commerce businesses. We have over 7 years of experience and have worked with clients such as RST Company, UVW Company, and XYZ Company.

We propose to create and implement a marketing campaign and strategy for LMN Company that will:

Increase their brand awareness and reach among their target audience

Generate more traffic, leads, and conversions on their website

Build trust and loyalty among their existing and potential customers

Increase their revenue and profitability

We estimate that the project will take 6 months to complete, with a total budget of $25,000.

This includes the following deliverables:

A market research and analysis that identifies LMN Company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as their target market, competitors, and industry trends

A marketing strategy that defines LMN Company’s marketing goals, objectives, KPIs, and budget allocation

A marketing campaign that consists of various marketing channels and tactics, such as social media, email, content, SEO, PPC, influencer marketing, etc.

A marketing plan that outlines the timeline, roles, responsibilities, and resources for executing the marketing campaign

A marketing report that measures and evaluates the results and outcomes of the marketing campaign

We are confident that we can create and implement a marketing campaign and strategy that will help LMN Company achieve their marketing goals and grow their business online. We look forward to hearing from them soon and working with them on this exciting project.

Problem Statement

LMN Company is facing several challenges with their current marketing situation, such as:

The e-commerce market is highly competitive and saturated, making it hard for LMN Company to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers

LMN Company has a low brand awareness and recognition among their target audience, making it hard for them to build trust and loyalty

LMN Company has a high customer acquisition cost (CAC) and a low customer lifetime value (CLV), making it hard for them to retain customers and increase revenue

LMN Company has a limited marketing budget and resources, making it hard for them to create and execute a comprehensive and effective marketing campaign

These challenges are affecting LMN Company’s online performance and growth potential, as well as their ability to compete and succeed in the e-commerce market.

Solution Description

We propose to solve these challenges by creating and implementing a marketing campaign and strategy for LMN Company that will:

Broaden the audience that they are trying to attract with their brand. We will use various marketing channels and tactics to expose LMN Company’s brand to more potential customers who are interested in their products. We will also use storytelling, testimonials, reviews, etc. to showcase LMN Company’s brand personality, values, and benefits.

Generate more traffic, leads, and conversions on their website. We will use SEO, PPC, content marketing, etc. to drive more qualified visitors to LMN Company’s website. We will also use landing pages, CTAs, forms, etc. to capture more leads on their website. We will also use email marketing, remarketing, etc. to nurture more leads into customers on their website.

Build trust and loyalty among their existing and potential customers. We will use social media marketing, influencer marketing, etc. to engage with LMN Company’s customers on various platforms. We will also use email marketing, loyalty programs, referrals, etc. to retain LMN Company’s customers and encourage repeat purchases.

Increase their revenue and profitability. We will use analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads Manager, Facebook Business Manager etc. to measure and optimize the performance of LMN Company’s marketing campaign. We will also use A/B testing tools such as Optimizely or VWO to experiment with different elements of LMN Company’s website or ads to improve conversion rates.

Pricing and Timeline Information

We estimate that the project will take 6 months to complete with a total budget of $25 000 The breakdown of the budget is as follows:

Marketing ChannelBudget
Market Research & Analysis$2 000
Marketing Strategy$3 000
Social Media Marketing$4 000
Email Marketing$3 000
Content Marketing$4 000
SEO$3 000
PPC$4 000
Influencer Marketing$2 000

The timeframe is broken out as follows:

1Market Research & Analysis, Marketing Strategy
2Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing
3Content Marketing, SEO
4PPC, Influencer Marketing
5Marketing Report, Optimization
6Marketing Report, Optimization

The following are the terms and conditions for payment:

A 25% deposit ($6,250) is required before starting the project

The remaining 75% ($18,750) is due in monthly instalments of $3,125

The payment can be made via bank transfer, PayPal, or credit card

The payment is non-refundable unless the project is cancelled by us

Call to Action

We are excited to work with LMN Company on this marketing project. We believe that we can create and implement a marketing campaign and strategy that will help them achieve their marketing goals and grow their business online.

If LMN Company is interested in our proposal, they can contact us by email at or by phone at +1-345-678-9012. We will then schedule a meeting to discuss the project details and sign the contract.

We need their response by Monday, August 7th, 2023. If we don’t hear from them by then, we will assume that they are not interested in our proposal.

We look forward to hearing from them soon and working with them on this exciting project. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Some other examples of a formal business proposal include:

  • A sales proposal for a new product or a service
  • A consulting proposal for a new project or a consulting service
  • A sponsorship proposal for an event or a program
  • A grant proposal for a funding request or a research project
  • A partnership proposal for a collaboration or a joint venture

Comment under this blog if you want a personalized template for any of these examples.

Informal Business Proposal Ideas and Examples

1. An email business proposal for a social media marketing service

Here is a sample informal business proposal for an email proposal for a social media marketing service.

Subject: Boost your online presence with ABC Agency

Hi John,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m Jane, the founder and CEO of ABC Agency, a social media marketing agency that helps small businesses grow their online presence and reach more customers.

I came across your website and was impressed by your products and services. You have a great offering that deserves more attention and recognition. However, I noticed that your social media accounts are not very active or engaging. You have a lot of potential to increase your brand awareness, traffic, leads, and sales through social media, but you need a professional and effective strategy to do so.

That’s why I’m writing to you today. I want to offer you our social media marketing service that can help you achieve your online goals and take your business to the next level. Here’s what we can do for you:

Create and manage your social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Develop and implement a custom social media strategy that aligns with your brand identity, value proposition, and target audience

Create and post high-quality and relevant content that showcases your products and services, educates your followers, and encourages engagement

Monitor and optimize your social media performance using analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc.

Generate and nurture more leads using social media ads, landing pages, CTAs, forms, etc.

Increase your conversion rate and sales using social media retargeting, remarketing, etc.

We have over 3 years of experience and have worked with clients such as DEF Company, GHI Company, and JKL Company. We have helped them grow their online presence and achieve amazing results such as:

Increased their followers by 300%

Increased their website traffic by 250%

Increased their leads by 200%

Increased their sales by 150%

We can do the same for you. We charge a flat fee of $1,000 per month for our social media marketing service. This includes everything mentioned above, as well as unlimited support and consultation.

If you’re interested in our offer, please reply to this email or call me at +1-234-567-8901. I would love to discuss the details with you and answer any questions you may have.

I need your response by Friday, July 28th, 2023. If I don’t hear from you by then, I will assume that you are not interested in our offer.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and working with you on this exciting project. Thank you for your consideration and time.


Jane Smith Founder & CEO of ABC Agency

2. A presentation business proposal for a web design project

1: Title Slide

Web Design Proposal for LMN Company

2: Introduction Slide

Hello, we are XYZ Studio, a web design agency that specializes in creating modern, fast, and user-friendly websites for businesses of all sizes and industries.

We are here today to present our web design proposal for LMN Company, a fast-growing e-commerce platform that sells high-quality and affordable products for home, beauty, and lifestyle.

3: Problem Statement Slide

LMN Company is facing several challenges with their current website, such as:

  • The website is outdated and does not reflect LMN Company’s brand identity or value proposition
  • The website is slow and unresponsive, resulting in poor user experience and a high bounce rate
  • The website is not optimized for SEO, resulting in low ranking and visibility on search engines
  • The website is not optimized for conversion, resulting in low engagement and sales

These challenges are affecting LMN Company’s online performance and reputation, as well as its ability to attract and retain customers.

4: Solution Description Slide

We propose to solve these challenges by redesigning LMN Company’s website from scratch, using the latest technologies and best practices. Our solution will include the following features:

  • A custom web design that matches LMN Company’s branding and style guidelines. We will create a modern, clean, and professional web design that reflects LMN Company’s vision, mission, and values. We will use colors, fonts, images, icons, and animations that enhance LMN Company’s brand identity and appeal to its target audience.
  • A responsive web development that adapts to different devices and browsers. We will use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and WordPress to develop a responsive website that works seamlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. We will also ensure that the website is compatible with all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.
  • A content management system (CMS) that allows LMN Company to easily update and manage their website. We will use WordPress as the CMS for the website, as it is one of the most popular and user-friendly platforms in the market. We will also install plugins and widgets that enhance the functionality and security of the website. We will provide LMN Company with full access and control over their website content.
  • A quality assurance (QA) testing that ensures the website’s functionality and performance. We will conduct thorough QA testing on the website before launching it live. We will check for errors, bugs, broken links, compatibility issues, loading speed, usability, accessibility, etc. We will also use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google PageSpeed Insights, etc. to monitor and optimize the website’s performance.

5: Pricing and Timeline Information Slide

We estimate that the project will take 8 weeks to complete with a total cost of $15 000 The breakdown of the cost and timeline is as follows:

1Project kickoff meeting research and analysis$1 000
2Web design mockup and approval$2 000
3-4Web development and CMS integration$4 000
5-6QA testing and optimization$3 000
7Training session and documentation$2 000
8Website launch and support$3 000

The following are the payment terms and conditions:

  • A 50% deposit ($7 500) is required before starting the project
  • The remaining 50% ($7 500) is due upon completion and approval of the project
  • The payment can be made via bank transfer PayPal or credit card
  • The payment is non-refundable unless the project is canceled by us

6: Call to Action Slide

We are excited to work with LMN Company on this web design project. We believe that we can create a website that will meet their needs and expectations and help them grow their business online.

If LMN Company is interested in our proposal they can contact us by email at or by phone at +1-234-567-8901. We will then schedule a meeting to discuss the project details and sign the contract.

We need their response by Friday July 28th 2023 If we don’t hear from them by then we will assume that they are not interested in our proposal.

We look forward to hearing from them soon and working with them on this exciting project. Thank you for your attention and time.

7: Contact Information Slide

XYZ Studio Web Design Agency +1-234-567-8901

Business Proposal Tools

If you want to save time and effort in writing your business proposal, you can use some handy templates and tools that can help you create a professional and persuasive document. Here are a few of the top picks that we suggest:


Bidsketch is an online tool that helps you create, send, and track business proposals in minutes. You can choose from hundreds of templates, customize them with your branding and content, and add interactive features such as videos, testimonials, and signatures.


You can also monitor the status of your proposals, get notifications when they are viewed or accepted, and integrate them with other tools such as CRM, invoicing, and email. Bidsketch offers a free trial and a paid plan starting from $29 per month.


PandaDoc is another online tool that helps you create, send, and manage business proposals easily. You can use their drag-and-drop editor to build your proposals from scratch or from their library of templates.

You can also add rich media elements such as images, videos, charts, and forms. And you can also track the performance of your proposals, get feedback and approval from your clients, and integrate them with other tools such as CRM, accounting, and payment. PandaDoc offers a free plan for up to 3 documents per month and paid plans starting from $19 per month.


Proposify is yet another online tool that helps you create stunning business proposals in minutes. You can access their collection of templates, customize them with your branding and content, and add interactive features such as videos, pricing tables, and signatures. You can also monitor the activity of your proposals, get insights into how they are performing, and integrate them with other tools such as CRM, invoicing, and email. Proposify offers a free trial and paid plans starting from $19 per month.


Writing a business proposal is not as hard as it may seem. With some research, planning, and creativity, you can craft a winning document that showcases your offer and persuades your audience to take action. Just follow these steps:

  1. Research your audience
  2. Define your problem statement
  3. Describe your solution
  4. Provide pricing and timeline information
  5. Include a call to action

And don’t forget to use some of the ideas, examples, templates, and tools that we shared with you in this blog post.

Now go ahead and write your own business proposal! Good luck!👍

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